Compassion Cultivation Training


Compassion is a term we use frequently, but what is it exactly and how can we use it in our everyday lives? Daranne Harris, doctoral student and ordained clergyperson, has spent years training in and researching compassion, and has shared some insights.

What is Compassion?

Compassion is a response to another person’s suffering and the action to lessen this suffering. The root of the concept is transforming empathy you feel into a response that will help the person in distress. This response might be as simple as helping to refer a person in distress to supports like the Student Wellness Centre and offering to go with them.

Compassion Cultivation Training at UCalgary

Daranne Harris completed the Compassion Cultivation Training teaching program and received her certification in May 2019 through the Compassion Institute and Stanford University. She is the only certified CCT trainer in Alberta. She sees her role as supporting student well-being and help students be more compassionate with the world. Her supervisor, Dr. Shane Sinclair, is the founder of the compassion research lab on UCalgary campus.

Sarah Ashton (pluralistic engagement coordinator), Reverend Margaret Propp (faith representative) and Daranne Harris worked together to bring the Compassion Cultivation Training course to UCalgary. You can take the free, 8-week CCT course to learn more about taking compassionate action and developing resilience. Want to know more about cultivating compassion in your life? Sign up for the winter course.

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